Inflation falls to lower-than-expected!

Derrick Dunne commented: “But while this is a very welcome fall in inflation, we believe that the Bank of England will not see it as a signal to cut rates – not yet at least.

Indusrty experts react to UK Labour Market Statistics

Derrick Dunne commented: “The UK economy has defied all expectations over the past year and continues to display a level of resilience despite a challenging global macroeconomic backdrop.“

Industry reaction to GDP Statistics

Derrick Dunne commented: “The news from the ONS this morning, that monthly real gross domestic product is estimated to have flatlined in the period from July to September, brought a run of encouraging data to an abrupt – but expected – end.

Bank of England interest rates held at 5.25%but what does it mean for investment? Investment experts react

In the fight with inflation, indiscriminately throwing interest rate hike punches one after the other, may well have landed a knock-out blow. We’ll just have to wait and see whether it was to inflation or the economy.

'Experimental' UK unemployment rate ticks up slightly as hiring slows

The latest ONS stats reveal that the UK unemployment rate rose slightly between June and August. Derrick Dunne commented: "Ever mindful of the inflationary impact of tight labour conditions, the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) will want to see the jobs market loosen further than it has to-date".

UK economy contracts by 0.5% in July as storms and strikes take their toll

The latest ONS stats reveal that the UK economy contracts by 0.5% in July as storms and strikes take their toll. Derrick Dunne commented: “The UK experienced a sharp 0.5% drop in GDP for July, driven by weak performance in all of the key sectors.

Sustained pay inflation makes another rate hike 'almost inevitable', experts say

The latest ONS figures show wage growth has caught up with inflation. Derrick Dunne commented: "This is bad news for the Bank of England. For our part, we hope concerns around the UK economy’s ability to withstand higher interest rates for a prolonged period of time will offer The Bank pause for thought."

‘Light at the end of the tunnel’ as inflation falls again

The fall in inflation in July has offered some respite from the cost-of-living crisis, but experts have warned we are not out of the woods yet.

ONS record growth in wages shows UK ‘in a state of flux’ – reaction from finance and other experts

This morning’s announcement from the ONS that wages in the UK grew at a record rate in Q2 with regular wages growing by 7.8%, the highest since records began back in 2001.

UK inflation holds at 8.7% after two months of falls

Core CPI rose by 7.1% in the 12 months to May, up from 6.8% in April, and the highest rate since March 1992.