Client guides – for understanding all aspects of investing

Understanding how to invest your money can seem daunting. Below you will find a range of documents which aim to support you and to put in place the right mix of investment strategy to support your financial goals.

The Benefits of Diversification

How we can help you achieve your financial goals

We highlight the skills, expertise and know-how that our firm applies to the management of your investments.

Your team of dedicated investment professionals

We introduce our investment team to you and explain how we make investment decisions on your behalf.

Investment strategies explained

We look at some of the main considerations that you and your adviser will explore in establishing your risk profile.

Selecting the right YOU investment solution

Having established your risk profile and investment preferences, we describe the investment solutions available.

When is a good time to invest?

We discuss the best time for our clients to consider investing.

Our ongoing communication with you

We set out the reporting and regular communications you can expect from us.

Our investment process in detail

This document outlines the considerable resource and detail of how we invest our clients’ assets.

Ethical investing

We discuss how we approach ethical investing for our clients. We also highlight our average ESG scoring for all model portfolios and Funds.

Advantages of using Funds

We look at specific advantages the Funds bring.

What is in a YOU Multi-Asset Blend Fund?

We illustrate how highly diversified the individual Funds are, in order to help clients understand the benefits of the Multi-Asset
Blend Fund structure.