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The World In A Week – Big Headlines, Small Details

Geopolitics continued to grab headlines last week. The US-Iran conflict is currently the biggest source of instability for investors, although tensions showed signs of abating as the week progressed,…

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The World In A Week – New Decade, Old Problems

We welcome not only a new year, but also a new decade. At the start of last year, we stated that in our opinion, the main risks were Trade, Brexit and Central Banks.  Last year was arguably dominated…

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15 Years Client-Focused Communications

Our communications are client-focused and we speak plain English: Proud of our positive client feedback Our materials add value to financial advisors - and to their clients! Regular meetings…

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The World In A Week – Santa Claus, Here We Come…

Last week the sole focus for UK citizens and investors was the UK election. The Conservatives sealed a landslide victory, their largest in decades, which saw the Pound jump and the UK equity market…

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The World In A Week – Entering The Final Furlong Of 2019

The sustained rise in the value of Sterling vs other major global currencies was the main story of the last week from the perspective of a UK-based investor, much as it has been for the year to date.…

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The World In A Week – Much Of The Same

Politics, trade wars and mixed data took up headlines last week. Away from politics in the US and Europe, Hong Kong’s pro-democracy party won 85% of seats at the local elections, more than trebling…

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15 Years Exceptional Service

An open, transparent investment process that has continually evolved: Risk profiles to meet all clients' needs Proven skills in strategic & tactical positioning of asset allocation Robust…

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The World In A Week – Pavlov’s Dogs

Last week gave us nothing new to ruminate on; it was a week of recycling the same political stories of trade deals, impeachments and elections. The stock markets around the world reacted favourably…

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The World In A Week – Never A Dull Moment

While violent clashes and political rhetoric filled the airwaves last week, markets were considerably more sedate. The Pound Sterling rose against all major global currencies. It appears the markets…

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We’ve been at it for 15 years!

We developed our investment range over the years to include Active, Enhanced Passive, Income and Ethical portfolios, together with Multi-Asset Blend Funds Our CIO has been with us since inception…

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The World In A Week – Is This The Beginning Of The End?

The election machines for the main political parties rolled into action last week, and with just 31 days until the general election, politicians are keen to get their messages across, while taking…

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The World In A Week – The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss?

It was a relatively sedate week in financial markets, as Sterling strengthened against most major global currencies. Equities were up slightly in GBP terms, while Fixed Income also rose by +0.25% in…

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