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“For the moment, inflation looks contained”: UK CPI rises by 0.7%

Transport and clothing lead the rise in CPI inflation as the UK started to open up post-lockdown.

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The Sun

Unemployment hits 813,000 Brits since start of pandemic with 56,000 losing jobs last month

It means the total number of workers who don't have a job now stands at 1.67million, reports the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

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market commentary

The World In A Week – The Beer Garden Boom

Global markets continued chugging along last week, with the MSCI All Country Index of global stocks returning +0.8% in GBP. A notable leader was the UK Equity market, which returned +1.5% as measured…

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Investing in future winners

Equity markets have rebounded strongly from the falls of February and March 2020, to deliver significant outperformance to investors. Our CIO, Shane Balkham was quoted in this article.

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market commentary

The World In A Week – Roaring Twenties 2.0

Last week saw Boris Johnson confirm that England would proceed to the second phase of the lifting of lockdown restrictions on 12th April, as non-essential shops, beer gardens, hairdressers and gyms…

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Brexit is yesterday’s news: UK equities are the talk of the town with plenty of value and opportunity

Now that Brexit is firmly yesterday's news, and within the UK we have made great strides in terms of the vaccine rollout to tackle the pandemic, UK equities now look to present a very different…

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market commentary

The World In A Week – Knitting Pattern

Data is confirming the pattern of the economic bounce back.  As restrictions are eased, spending on services are increasing.  Restaurants, leisure, and hospitality are the main beneficiaries, as…

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market commentary

The World In A Week – Stuck In The Suez

According to urban myths, it is said that when you are in London you are never more than 6ft away from a rat, and it appears that within emerging markets you are never more than two steps away from a…

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market commentary

The World In A Week – Knowing the Price of Everything, but the Value of Nothing…

The last week in markets was quite typical of the environment we have observed for the year to date. There was not an awful lot of movement at the headline level, but quite a lot of volatility and…

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market commentary

The World In A Week – Fiscal Injection

Last week saw President Joseph Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package passed by Congress, which has seen the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) accelerate its global growth…

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Lockdown investing: 10 wealth managers’ top calls

CityWire Wealth Manager interviewed 10 wealth managers on their investment decisions since the first COVID-19 lockdown began a year ago.

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UK economy shrinks by 3% during lockdown

The UK economy fell by 2.9 per cent in January, according to the Office for National Statistics.

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