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The World In A Week – On, and On and On…

Brexit shenanigans dominated the headlines last week as the UK’s departure from the EU drags on, and on, and on. While Prime Minister Johnson eventually reached a majority agreement, it failed to go…

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The World In A Week – Nine Lives

Another week where politics dominated the markets.  It started with news that the US and China had reached a ‘phase one’ trade agreement, which boils down to being a truce.  For the time being the US…

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The World In A Week – Inching Towards A Deal

It was a rather lively week in financial markets, from the perspective of a UK-based investor. Sterling strengthened considerably against all major currencies, as markets anticipated a break-through…

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The World In A Week – Elephant In The Room

Last week, ISM data was released, this is a measure of new orders, production, employment, supplier deliveries and inventories; in essence, a measure of productivity. The key number to be cognisant…

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The World In A Week – Getting Our Priorities Straight

The UK Supreme Court ruled that the prorogation of Parliament by Boris Johnson was unlawful, which resulted in a swift restarting of Parliament last week. It would appear the battling forces within…

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The World In A Week – Judgement Day

Geopolitical tensions escalated last week following the attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil production facilities. It has been estimated that the attack destroyed c.50% of Saudi production, although there…

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The World In A Week – Beneath The Surface

On the surface, last week appeared quite sedate in markets as global equities, measured by MSCI ACWI rose +0.16% in GBP terms. This was led by UK and Japanese Equities, while the US markets sold off…

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The World In A Week – Back To School

While the country waved the next generation off to start a new school year, the same old issues still loitered in the global playground. The tedious game of moans between the US and China continues…

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The World In A Week – Prorogue

You may think that the title of this week’s ‘World in a Week’ relates to the protagonist of a play, disappointingly this is not the case. Prorogue is the technical terminology for the discontinuation…

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The World In A Week – The G7, and other Sticky Wickets

Market volatility continued for the week ending 23rd August 2019, with global equities down -1.6% in GBP terms as measured by MSCI ACWI – this was primarily driven by ongoing concerns regarding the…

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The World In A Week – Rebel Without A Cause

The US and China are both playing hardball, with neither wishing to lose face, but so far, there is no winning, only losing. On a topic that we have written extensively about in the past, trade wars…

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